I’m all in on August to really really hustle and suffocate my own bullshit — to use a phrase of yours.
I don’t know if I qualify as one of the complainers that’s visited your inbox (hope not). I remember the tone of my email being more desperate/fanatic when I got the courage to send you a message. I haven’t gone back and read it and I don’t regret it but it wasn’t my best work — or a smart way to introduce myself.
When we actually meet in person one day I’ll do a better job.
Although I can’t consume everything you produce — you have remained as one of the 3–5 thought leaders I remain loyal to and listen to in an attention deficit economy. You, Tim Ferriss, Ryan Holiday — along with Conor McGregor and Tony Robbins are probably my biggest mentors and inspirations. You all deliver.
I am grateful for everything you do, and I am committed to reciprocating some of the value. If you ever need anything hit me up.
Thank you,