A Letter to My Firstborn
This year I become a father, and I am excited for the journey that entails.
This is not a private letter. I am substantially open as a person and will be candid in my writing.
My intention in writing this letter is to leave you with the wisdom that I’ve gained in my 30 years, to tell you how much you and your mother mean to me, and to make sure no matter what you know I love you forever.
Hey, it’s your dad.
You won’t read this for a while, but this is a letter from your father. You’re not even born yet, but I already love you and want you to be a great person who makes the world a better place. I want you to live a long, healthy, fulfilling, and joyous life. I want the best for you, for your mother, and for us as a family. I want to share a piece of my heart with you now, and with anyone else who reads this.
You are coming into the world at a great and important time. Humans have brought our civilization to the highest points in technology, arts, and culture in recorded history. But, this is a challenging time and an important time for you to be a force for good in the world. We face many challenges as a species, and you have the opportunity to help.
Life is a wild ride. Understanding the mysteries of the Universe we are a part of is fascinating. Please explore far and wide in our world, and in the world within your mind and spirit. They are intertwined, and they are co-dependent. Our world shapes our minds, but more importantly, our minds shape our world. The earlier you can understand that the better off you will be.
Humans have a wide range of emotions, and the way we habitually experience these emotions is the quality of our life. We are responsible for creation in our lives every day. All of us are fully capable of generating positive emotions. Just as we are capable of generating negative ones. The more joy and happiness we work to create within ourselves, the more we emit that frequency to the universe. Doing that consistently will magnetize experiences, people, and thoughts that support more joy and happiness. The more negativity, anger, pessimism, and sorrow we allow ourselves to experience — the more the Universe will send our way.
So, always remember that life is about experiencing a range of emotions, but stick to the positive ones when you can. The ability to determine how we feel is all within our minds. This is high-level for most adults to grasp, so don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense yet, but return to this letter and re-read it as often as you need to.
Life isn’t just about the emotions we feel though. It’s also about the emotions and feeling we can inspire in others. You are here to be of service to all mankind, in whatever form that might reveal itself in. You might be a painter, singer, leader, teacher, or your vocation might not even exist as I write this. You might be many things throughout your life, and you should be. Multi-talented is always an advantage.
Along the way, as you learn, grow, and evolve into the amazing person I know you’ll become — don’t forget that we are all more similar than we are different. All of humankind has its flaws, as well as its magnificence. Find a way to express your unique magnificence, in order to help others. That’s what I’m working on right now, and have been trying to figure out for the last decade. That’s what I’ll be continuing to do as your father too.
It isn’t easy. Most people give up on their unique paths and end up lost in the abyss of the middle. Don’t give up. If you are even considering it, remember this letter, and re-read it. Life challenges us more when we reach for the stars. If it was effortless it would not be rewarding. Keep going, keep growing.
The effort we put in in our lives matters so much more than I can express. Be willing to put your heart and soul into what you spend your time on. The more you can do this in service to others while maintaining your happiness and health — the more riches the Universe will bestow upon you.
Here’s a trick I learned. Be intentional. That means to decide what you want — and decide it often. Never stop being the creator of your life. Even with the small things. Ask yourself questions like these frequently as you set out in the world:
What do I want?
Why do I want it? (The more you can align this with serving others, and preserving your joy and health the better)
How do I want this to go?
How do I want to feel while I do this?
Ask yourself these questions as you plan your days and activities. Focus on what you want to happen. Avoid focusing on what you don’t want to happen. We create what we focus on — so you might as well decide to focus on all the great things life has to offer in each moment.
Once you set your intention on something, work hard at it. Most people think they work hard, and many are not wrong about that. Here’s the thing, they don’t consistently work hard. They start to think that their past efforts enable them to ease up on their present efforts — to coast. This is a seductive illusion. Don’t ever stop working hard for what you want. Be the hardest worker everywhere you go and you will go far. But, make sure you build healthy habits to support that.
I promise you I will keep up my quest to express the highest virtue I can as a man and as a father. I promise you to embody work ethic and be a good example. I promise you to love you unconditionally forever.
I know we will share many beautiful moments and memories together as a family. I’ve always told your mother I want to create a beautiful future for us, even before you came along. You and your mother mean the world to me, and I am so honored to be your father.
This letter may not make any sense until you’re older. I hope to impart much of this to you as you grow up, and as we experience our lives.
I love you, I love your mother, and I love life itself.
Let’s live a beautiful life together.
Sincerely your father,
This is the 89th installment of Writing Wednesday. A commitment to myself to actually pursue my dreams of becoming a writer. I have resumed this practice after almost an entire years absence.
I am a writer.
Let me know what you think, and follow my journey on Instagram/Twitter (@multitude27)